Saturday, September 22, 2012

He Might Like It

"Why am I starting a cooking blog?"  That is the question of the day.

I have one blog already, that I sometimes struggle to keep updated.  Living My Dream began as an opportunity for me to post my goals and keep myself accountable, but I fear it has turned into an on-line journal of my crazy quilting adventures.

This morning, I was searching for new ideas for a relish tray when I stumbled upon the blog, A Fridge Full of Food... and Nothing to Eat.  (I loved the name!)  The relish tray was a part of a post about a Daring Bakers' challenge to make bagels (yum!)  My curiosity sparked, I googled "Daring Bakers" and discovered it had evolved into The Daring Kitchen. (Of course, I bookmarked the page with the bagel recipe first...)

Did I want to register at The Daring Kitchen and participate with baking and/or cooking challenges with the Daring Bakers or the Daring Cooks?  Yes, yes I did.  Of course, that meant beginning another blog... and the hard part, a name for that blog.  I kept thinking of the variety of foods I would be attempting to make each month, and wondering if my pickiest eater would like any of them - there had to be adventurous recipes he might like, right?  Every time I try cooking something new, I find myself thinking, "He might like it..."

Being the only female in our household of four, I figured there would be three "he's" that might like what I make.  A Google search failed to find a similar name... and that is how this blog was born.

And who am I?  My name is Renee.  Though I enjoy writing and sharing on-line, I am still a skeptic when it comes to sharing personal information with the world.  So, my family consists of my wonderful husband, Monkey (our 15-year-old) and Mutt (our 12-year-old.)  Monkey received his nickname when he was only a year old.  He and his dad picked out a stuffed monkey toy, and his daddy made up a fun "Funky Monkey" song.  He does not even mind if we slip and call him Monkey in front of other high school students.  As for Mutt... it is not a nickname that I easily slip into, but he likes it better than my play off his real name.  When he was 7, he asked me to change his nickname to Piggy.  I told him I simply could not and he would understand why later.  He responded by demonstrating how well he could oink,  We settled on Mutt, as he loves ALL kinds of dogs.

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